Alex Loureiro

Dr Alex Loureiro is Scientific Director at the EnerGeo Alliance. In this role, she supports the EnerGeo Alliance’s mission to address critical scientific and policy issues related to noise in the marine environment and the impacts on marine life. Alex holds an undergraduate degree in marine science and biology and a Master of Science and Ph.D. in marine biology.

Prior to joining EnerGeo Alliance, Alex served as a research and development consultant, working with a wide range of scientific companies and attorneys to quantify value-oriented benefits. Additionally, Alex brings several years of research experience in marine mammal behavior and fisheries science, including fine-scale habitat usage of bottlenose dolphins and best practices for catch success in the longline reef fish fishery. She has also worked closely with a variety of marine mammal species in aquariums for husbandry purposes.


Partner ContentThe energy geoscience industry prioritises the environmental sustainability of all operations. While all anthropogenic activities in the ocean have the potential to affect marine life, extensive study has demonstrated that geophysical exploration is safe and sustainable for all ocean creatures, from the smallest plankton to the largest whales.Plankton forms the essential base of the marine food chain. A widely-discussed paper, by Robert McCauley and co-writers in 2017, suggested that seismic surveys may result in wide-scale plankton mortality. However, these results were inconsistent with previous scientific literature, and an extensive review of the methodology demonstrated that the methodology did not…

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