Andrew Kenny

How to save the African lion Free enterprise, democracy and the rule of law are the keys to protecting the continent’s environment An environmental catastrophe struck Europe thousands of years ago, annihilating one of its most magnificent animals. For millennia, Europe had been the natural habitat for lions, who roamed from Britain to the Urals. Their memory remains in heraldry, folklore and legend. But the lions themselves, beautiful and strong, were obliterated by an invasion of something new and dreadfully destructive. Not a single wild lion remains in Europe. What was this terrible agent of extermination? It was us. Homo…

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The lack of clean, reliable, affordable energy in Africa stifles economies, makes people sick and harms the environment. In industrialised countries, people prepare dinner by turning a switch on an electric stove. In Africa, women spend hours collecting firewood before they can start cooking, breaking their backs and damaging the environment. Andrew Kenny describes how nuclear power could help solve Africa’s energy crisis. More than half of the African population does not have access to grid electricity. In some countries, such as Tanzania, Kenya and the Democratic Republic of Congo, the figure is over 80%, according to the International Energy…

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