Delme Cupido

Indigenous peoples: the struggle continues COVID-19 is just the latest challenge that the San and other marginalised groups have had to face On New Year’s Eve 2019, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission discreetly alerted the World Health Organization (WHO) to an outbreak of a cluster of pneumonia cases of “unknown etiology” in Wuhan, a city of 11 million people in the Hubei Province of central China. No deaths were reported. Within days, the source of the outbreak had been identified as a novel strain of the coronavirus, and by the end of January the WHO confirmed that there were now…

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The past 20 years have seen a complete transformation of the political and legal landscape for Africa’s indigenous people The term “indigenous people”, and the identification of particular groups in these terms, evokes strong emotions, outright hostility even, among many Africans, or at least in their governments. They point out that all African peoples are indigenous to Africa, and proceed to argue that the term has, at best, no utility or relevance to Africa, or is, at worst, divisive and will only serve to stoke the ever-present embers of ethnic conflict. Recognising indigenous rights for some groups in a multi-ethnic…

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