Dr Andre Mboulè

Dr Mboule Andre, PhD, an engineer manager and international consultant, is the promoter for KEMT Leaders & Consultants, Cameroon & South Africa. He has over 39 years of managerial/leadership training experience, working in more than 30 countries in Africa and Europe, primarily in state-run health facilities and education facilities, consulting firms, and international organisations such as WHO, AfDB, EU, AFD, GIZ, WB and Lux-Dev.

Since 1989, Dr Mboule has been an associate lecturer and researcher, mentoring students' theses within academic institutions such as the Catholic University of Central Africa (UCAC)-Ecole des Sciences de la Sante (ESS-Yaounde) and the University of Douala - Institute of Fisheries Sciences (ISH-Yabassi). He also trains senior executives in lifelong education programmes. He primarily teaches project management, performance management, leadership development, entrepreneurship, health informatics, and health technology management.

Whereas the concept of “good governance” has a long history in politics, government policies, and anti-corruption activism, “inclusive governance” is a more recent adoption in political and international development. Inclusive governance seemingly originated from the United Nations’ pledge that “No one will be left behind”, formulated in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (United Nations, 2015). Similarly, “good governance” appears as one of the “seven aspirations” of the African Union Agenda 2063. In the author’s view, the practical definition of good governance should be expanded to include “the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented,”…

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