Genetically modified (GM) crops are safe for humans and animals to eat, research shows. They increase yields and lower production costs. by Ivo Vegter Felix M’mboyi, a Kenyan scientist, made world headlines late last year when he denounced the opponents of genetic modification in agricultural crops. “The affluent west has the luxury of choice in the type of technology they use to grow food crops, yet their influence and sensitivities are denying many in the developing world access to such technologies, which could lead to a more plentiful supply of food,” Mr M’mboyi, executive director of the African Biotechnology Stakeholders…

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Horn of Africa: Somalia, Somaliland, Puntland and Jubaland Three regions in Somalia seek independence or autonomy For a country that does not exist, Somaliland does a remarkably good job of pretending. It has a green, red and white-striped flag, a foot-tapping national anthem, and a bustling capital city, Hargeisa. Its administrative district contains ministries, a central bank and even a presidential palace. Its government is fully self-governing. Its 3.4m residents elect the president and legislative assembly in polls (The last general election was held in June 2010.) that are relatively free and fair. They show their Somaliland passports when crossing…

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Yoweri Museveni, in power since 1986, is still holding on. by Mark Schenkel When Uganda celebrated 50 years of independence on October 9th, its president, Yoweri Museveni, promised to “deepen democratic governance”. Just the opposite took place: as Mr Museveni, 68, delivered his nationwide televised speech, dozens of riot police barred his main political adversary, Kizza Besigye, 56, from leaving his home. On Uganda’s golden jubilee, its opposition leader was effectively under house arrest. The incident illustrates Mr Museveni’s increasing authoritarianism towards his political opposition. After 26 years in power, he is Africa’s fifth longest-ruling president. Human Rights Watch, Freedom…

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After fifty years of ‘overlooking’ economic growth, Malawi plans to encourage public-private partnerships to fund infrastructure development

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Somalia: the Shabab Is stability returning to Somalia when the Islamist militant group still controls most of its territory? Bad guys do not get much worse than the Shabab. The Islamist militant group runs much of Somalia like its own personal fiefdom and was most recently in the headlines for conducting the horrific attack on Westgate Mall in Nairobi. Along with Boko Haram and al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, they are among the most dangerous and feared political groupings in Africa, responsible for vicious acts of terrorism and numerous instances of brutality towards their own people. A potent cocktail of…

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Genetically modified (GM) crops are safe for humans and animals to eat, research shows. They increase yields and lower production costs. by Ivo Vegter Felix M’mboyi, a Kenyan scientist, made world headlines late last year when he denounced the opponents of genetic modification in agricultural crops. “The affluent west has the luxury of choice in the type of technology they use to grow food crops, yet their influence and sensitivities are denying many in the developing world access to such technologies, which could lead to a more plentiful supply of food,” Mr M’mboyi, executive director of the African Biotechnology Stakeholders…

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Many assume that South African businesses are a natural fit for other markets on the continent, but experience is showing otherwise

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Angola’s MPLA government has promised decentralisation many times, but is afraid of losing power In April 2015 the Angolan capital Luanda hosted the inaugural “President José Eduardo dos Santos” African Mayor Awards. Three prizes, named after Angola’s president of 36 years, were awarded to cities in Ghana, Tanzania and Cabo Verde, respectively, for their achievements in local government. The event was organised by United Cities and Local Governments–Africa (UCLG-A), which has offices in Sandton, South Africa, and is supported by the Angolan government and the IC Publications Group, a company with publishing interests in Africa. But the judging panel, which…

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Somalia: the Shabab Is stability returning to Somalia when the Islamist militant group still controls most of its territory? Bad guys do not get much worse than the Shabab. The Islamist militant group runs much of Somalia like its own personal fiefdom and was most recently in the headlines for conducting the horrific attack on Westgate Mall in Nairobi. Along with Boko Haram and al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, they are among the most dangerous and feared political groupings in Africa, responsible for vicious acts of terrorism and numerous instances of brutality towards their own people. A potent cocktail of…

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