Greg Ardé

Greg Ardé is an award-winning journalist based in South Africa. He has written five books including War Party published by Tafelberg (June 2020), which examined political killings, mostly in the ruling ANC. Greg has worked with AmaBhungane, Daily Maverick, Mail & Guardian and News24 on a range of stories. He has also contributed to several reports produced by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime, including copper theft, political killings, taxi violence, gangs, drugs, and business mafias.

Local politics in South Africa is dogged by political assassinations The man on the phone was obviously scared. He was uptight and wired. I had tracked him down through friends who encouraged him to speak to me, but when he did, it was with a reluctance that seemed like paranoia at first. And then I heard his story. “Please. I don’t want any comeback. Things are already so bad,” he said. The man’s wife had begged him not to stand as an ANC councillor candidate in the local government elections of 2021. A spate of killings linked to ANC infighting where…

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