Jonathan Katzenellenbogen

South Africa: tough at the top Much of the country’s private defence sector has enjoyed strong growth since 1994, but the state-owned flagship, Denel, is in serious trouble Since sanctions were lifted with the 1994 political settlement, South Africa’s defence exports have surged. In the five years to the end of 2018, South Africa was the world’s 20th largest weapons exporter, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, SIPRI. That position is well above its GDP per capita ranking and shows SA punches well above its weight in this field. In the face of a border war, extensive internal…

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Africa’s population is growing very fast, thanks to high fertility rates and increasing life expectancies. What will Africa’s countries do with this large cohort of young people in the prime of their lives? Jonathan Katzenellenbogen sketches out a high road and a low road, and throws in some free advice into the bargain. Nowhere in the world is the population growing as fast as in sub-Saharan Africa. The region’s population will double in size, reaching nearly two billion in less than 30 years. With this burgeoning population, the sub-continent can reap either a demographic dividend with productive young workers or…

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