Kenneth Kipruto

Kenya: Nairobi’s garbage mess Poor waste management casts a shadow over Kenya’s “Green City in the Sun” An old quarry eight kilometres east of Nairobi city centre was converted into the Dandora Municipal Dump Site in the 1970s. Although the city council declared the 30-acre unfenced site full in 2001, Dandora remains the principal rubbish heap for most of the garbage generated by the Kenyan capital’s 3.5m inhabitants. Between 850 and 2,000 metric tonnes of trash are disposed here every day. The lower figure is from a report made in 2012 by advocacy group Concern Worldwide; the higher figure emerged…

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Konza Techno City Bureaucracy scuppers ambitious plans for Africa’s Silicon Savannah Malili Ranch sits on 5,000 acres of land, 60km south-east of Kenya’s capital Nairobi, on the highway that leads to the port city of Mombasa. The ranch looks like a postcard of a typical African bush scene. Knee-high grass sways in a dry wind. Not far from the barbed and mesh wire fence a few gazelles graze silently, their tails dancing in the air. But behind this tranquil picture lies a story of misplaced government ambition, bureaucratic failure and local infighting. Denis Mule is one of many land speculators…

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