Mercedes Sayagues

One night in April 2013, Luisa, a 46-year-old woman living in a small town in Mozambique, was on her way home when two men dragged her into an abandoned hut and raped her. “I wanted to die, but I told myself I must survive for my daughters,” said Luisa. After the ordeal in Boane, about 40km west of Maputo, Mozambique’s capital, Luisa (who asked that her real name not be used) checked on her teen daughters, and then went with a neighbour to the police station. The officers there did not follow protocol: they did not tell her not…

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Sugar cane juice with a dash of ginger and lemon is a favourite thirst quencher in Maputo. It is sold along a stretch of the capital’s sea-facing Marginal promenade between the Maritimo and Naval clubs. Young men make this juice while standing and cranking old-fashioned machines. Sergio is reputed to sell the freshest sugar cane and the strongest ginger. Sergio, who does not feel comfortable giving his last name, is 26, tall, smart and sociable. His ready smile reveals two rows of perfect teeth. He finished high school and has a talent for languages. Besides Portuguese and Shangaan, he speaks…

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