Mxolisi Zondo

Mxolisi Zondo is a Researcher in the Governance Delivery and Impact programme at Good Governance Africa. He holds a BA Honours in International Relations and a Bachelor of Political Science from the University of Pretoria (UP). He is currently pursuing his Master of Arts Degree in Diplomatic Studies at UP. His dissertation looks at the extent to which South Africa’s involvement in peace missions on the African continent serves the country’s national interest. Before joining Good Governance Africa, he worked as a Public Policy Intern at Frontline Africa Advisory. He has also worked as an Assistant Lecturer and Research Assistant at the University of Pretoria.

INSIGHT: The looming 2024 South African general elections raise concerns about unstable coalition administrations, revealing a lack of political maturity that impacts service delivery.The unresolved issue of unstable and unregulated coalition administrations, mainly prevalent in local municipalities, becomes more concerning as the 2024 South African general elections draw near. In the next election, should there be no majority party in the National Assembly and this results in a hung parliament, a coalition may be formed to constitute the next national government. Reading the South African constitution may suggest that there is nothing wrong with the scenario of a national coalition government,…

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