Ross Compton

Dr. Ross Compton is the EAME (Europe, Africa, Middle East) Consultant for the EnerGeo Alliance, the global trade alliance for the energy geoscience industry. In his role with the EnerGeo Alliance, Ross provides strategic guidance on industry matters in the EAME regions and supports EnerGeo’s member companies operating in EAME, helping further advance the energy geoscience industry’s freedom to operate. His responsibilities include extensive research, stakeholder engagement on legislative affairs and keeping the EnerGeo Alliance abreast of updates to the environmental legislative framework affecting marine operations.

As a project manager and environmental consultant, Ross has extensive experience working in the science community and has spent the last 14 years in the petroleum and natural gas and geoscience industries. Ross has a background in ecology and marine science from the universities of Edinburgh and Plymouth. He has managed environmental projects and teams for WGP Group (now a subsidiary of Magseis Fairfield ASA) and RPS Energy. He also managed offshore geophysical and geotechnical projects for the UK branch of Horizon Geosciences, a marine survey and geotechnical services provider based in the United Arab Emirates.



Partner ContentThe energy geoscience industry prioritises the environmental sustainability of all operations. While all anthropogenic activities in the ocean have the potential to affect marine life, extensive study has demonstrated that geophysical exploration is safe and sustainable for all ocean creatures, from the smallest plankton to the largest whales.Plankton forms the essential base of the marine food chain. A widely-discussed paper, by Robert McCauley and co-writers in 2017, suggested that seismic surveys may result in wide-scale plankton mortality. However, these results were inconsistent with previous scientific literature, and an extensive review of the methodology demonstrated that the methodology did not…

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