Toby Shapshak

Cyber crime: It’s a war Cyber crime knows no boundaries and the perpetrators are constantly improving their capabilities Cyber crime cost Africa an estimated $3.5 billion in 2017 alone, according to pan-African IT business advisory company Serianu, but most countries don’t have the right legislation to defend themselves from – let alone prosecute – this new form of crime. The brutal war in Yemen provides a timely example of how what might appear to be a traditional regional conflict of the type far too common in Africa and the Middle East is also one being fought in a uniquely modern…

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Africa: innovation Success in Africa needs innovative business models that take account of the way people interact in Africa, not only new technology By Toby Shapshak “Africa is not for sissies,” is a phrase you’ll often hear in South Africa about doing business on the continent. It reflects the challenges, and opportunities, that Africa presents, while revealing a particularity about South Africa, which apparently thinks it is not an integral part of its own continent. While Africa’s challenges can have a negative impact on doing business— no matter how booming the continent is—the IMF’s estimates of 4% growth for sub-Saharan…

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